Anyone have any experience doing Rainier (DC) and Baker (Easton Glacier) routes in the same week? Right now I have it on the schedule for Rainier the 10-12 and Baker 14-16 of August. This gives me at least a day to recover before the next climb much like some bigger routes. I was not sure if it would be better to save energy for Rainier, and tackle the easier climb next or use Baker to get some altitude in before Rainier but my main concern is being sore from getting downhill before starting Baker the 14th.
I have been up Rainier in Sept. 2017 & Sept. 2019, both times unable to summit beyond the Cleaver due to team fitness lacking or weather – I did my own workouts in 2017 which was a monumental effort on the mountain compared to following the Uphill Athlete 16-week time crunch plan last year, which made getting to Ingraham Flats a breeze in comparison.
I am hoping it will prepare me for an Aconcagua trip sometime Dec to Feb 2021 and build up some mental toughness as well. Would love to hear your experiences and advice!