Misinterpreted lab results | Uphill Athlete

Misinterpreted lab results

  • Creator
  • #71548

    Hi there,

    The attached gas exchange lab test results indicate that my aerobic threshold is 131 BPM, which is where my heart rate bottoms out before it starts to rise.

    I was on the uphill athlete pages in forums trying to confirm this value using another description i.e. the HR when the MMoL value crosses 2.0.

    For the purposes of training below the art and following the uphill athlete guidelines, is this how you would identify my AET? Or would you classify the AET as when MMoL goes over 2.0? Which is around 147?


    John Corcoran

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  • Participant
    Eddie on #71745

    Hi John,

    UA sets aerobic threshold by lactate at 2mmol or 1mmol above baseline. So, in your case ~147 bpm.

    > We use the widely accepted blood lactate concentration of 2mMol/L to define AeT. However, some literature suggests a concentration of as high as 2.5mMol/L, and one method defines AeT as the point where lactate rises 1mMol/L above the lowest reading obtained during the warm-up or while the athlete is resting. Just be consistent with the measurement and protocol you use. [1]

    Not an expert, but from what I’ve read, there are many definitions of aerobic threshold. The first point of deflection in lactate is another, as suggested by your lab (~132 bpm at sample 3). In this case, they may also be referring to aerobic threshold as the floor of your Zone 2 (in a 5 zone model), which would be equivalent to Tempo in their training zones? Whichever, it’s an interesting mark in physiological change – lactate is increasing, suggesting fast twitch muscle fibers coming into play.

    [1] https://uphillathlete.com/aerobic-training/blood-lactate-test-protocol-tips-and-tricks/

    Johnfriday13 on #71746

    Thanks Eddie, that’s exactly the link I was looking for. Tried searching but couldn’t find it for dinner train. Much appreciated.

    Johnfriday13 on #71747

    *find it for some reason!

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