Make the climbing trips you take during the base building phase contribute to building the base rather that trashing you. Pick objectives that are within your current capacity from both a technical and endurance standpoint. Don’t swing for stands until your base is well established.
The purpose of the base period is to increase your work capacity in all the fundamental realms that make up your goal event. During this period you are putting money in the bank so that when the time comes and that account is huge you can withdraw from it on your goal climb(s) without overdrawing. If during this base period you put some money in that bank account only to draw it back down again by going on a spending spree you are only hurting your long terms capacity building and performance.
You can still do specific climbing both on trips and at home that contributes to the base building bottom line. Over reaching (spending) too much during this time may feel good in the short term but may result in you bouncing checks part way through your goal climb. So plan accordingly and you’ll just keep getting stronger all the way through the base period.
I hope this helps,