Max Strengh and ME during recovery weeks. | Uphill Athlete

Max Strengh and ME during recovery weeks.

  • Creator
  • #43450

    Hi everyone,

    I would need some clarification of how to deal with recovery weeks.
    It’s my understanding that the volume has to drop like 50% during recovery weeks, which is not cast in stone either and depends of how someone’s fatigue.
    I am still confused of how to deal with Max Strength and Muscular Endurance workouts during those recovery weeks.
    In chapter 8 of TfTNA, which helps to build a training plan, it looks like for max strength period, Max Strength workouts are still present during Recovery weeks, whereas for ME period, ME workout is not present

    – For Max Strength period, is it acceptable to perform only one workout of Max Strength during the week ?

    -As a counterexample, for Max Strength Pull-Ups 8 weeks plan in the same book, it doesn’t seem that there is any recovery week involved, does it ?

    – For ME period, it does seem that we can get rid of ME workout during the recovery week, which does make sense as for its intensity. Is that right ?

    Thank you!

  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #43482

    You understand this correctly.

    The purpose of recovery weeks is to get recovered, fitness be damned. Do whatever it takes to feel fresh by the end of the week.

    As you understand; this all highly individual.

    We typically drop to 1x/wk of Max and sometimes that workout will drop by 50% in volume if needed.

    We usually do no ME work in recovery weeks.


    GuillaumeM on #43492

    Hi Scott,

    thank you for your answer !
    and by the way, thank you for sharing all of your knowledge on this forum !


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