Maintenance after Completing 50k Training | Uphill Athlete

Maintenance after Completing 50k Training

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  • #27288

    Hi there

    I just finished the Intro to Ultrarunning training plan. I ran/hiked ~58km last week with 1800m elevation gain. I am wondering how to approach this recovery period, and also am hoping to do a few more longer runs (anywhere from 25km to ~50km) over the next 2-5 weeks.

    I am wondering:

    -How to approach the recovery period for the recent long run? Overall I feel good a week later but have only gone for a few short/easy walks and done some swimming and stretching.
    -If you have any suggestons re: maintaining aerobic fitness over the next month or so in such away that would allow me to do a few more longer runs. Should I still incorporate some zone 3/4 training?

    I believe I read an article about this from UA saying that you could maintain your fitness at a decent level after completing a training plan for up to six weeks but I can’t find that article now…

    Also-the run was great, but challenging (snow in the Canadian Rockies that day which turned into wet, muddy trails part way through). I was super happy with how I felt overall though it was definitely hard..I still felt like I had (a little) energy at the end and was able continue running right until we hit the parking lot. And I was surprised my body didn’t feel more sore which I think is a testament to the gradual progression of the training plan and the focus on recovery. Thanks!

Posted In: Mountain Running

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    Anonymous on #27317


    The length of the recovery period after the completion of your goal event depends on how “worked” you got by doing this run. If you are feeling good a week later then it is time to return to some light training again. I’d start with 50% of the highest volume week you had before this run if you plan to begin training in the next week or so. A longer wait will require you start with a lower volume. With this reduced volume you should be able to maintain the fitness you built for several more weeks. If after a week of low intensity running your legs are feeling fully recovered then it would be smart to add in some intensity. Just 1x/week of the same high intensity workout you were doing before but starting with a volume of about 50% of your peak volume.

    Taper a bit for other major runs by dropping volume 30-50% and DROP all intensity for the week prior to the big run.


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