Long Term Training (Multi-year) | Uphill Athlete


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Long Term Training (Multi-year)

  • Creator
  • #49692

    Hi team,

    I’m looking for some advice regarding training for objectives that are potentially years away.

    I’m hoping to enter my first Sky race (either SkyLagnes or ResegUp) in 2023, and my rough plan is: 4-day Intro to Skyrunning course in April 2022, then a 3-day Skyrunning camp in Romsdal in August 2022, and then progress to doing my first Sky race in 2023.

    My current race experience is a 50km Ultra with 950m/3100ft of elevation gain, and my current training limitations are being based in a very flat city with access to some fairly hilly trails by public transport.

    I’m currently doing Mike Foote’s Big Mountain Plan with the plan to focus on building base (replacing the Z3 workouts with more ME etc.) but to be frank, I’m unsure how to adapt my training beyond repeating the base period over and over again.

    I’d appreciate some guidance on how to adapt my training to achieve those goals in the future, and how to programme training over many months and years to meet those goals.

    P.S. note to mods, if this question is something that is better addressed with a coaching call then I’d appreciate an email address to reach out to arrange.

Posted In: Mountain Running

  • Participant
    Shashi on #49714


    You might get some inputs from members/moderators with similar training experiences.

    Given your goals, I think it would be good to contact UA Coaches –

    TerryLui on #49742

    You can’t have too much base 🙂
    Since your goals are a fair ways out, my inclination would be to cycle thru the program you’ve chosen, with each cycle restarting at a higher volume than the same period of the previous cycle.
    Ex. Cycle 1, Base Period = 5 hours/week
    Cycle 2, Base Period = 7 hours/week

    Also, check out these links:

    Capacity Training vs Utilization Training

    Recovery/Consolidation Week Minimum Volume

    Recovery/Consolidation Week Minimum Volume

    Anonymous on #49948

    What Terry said. Repeat a program at progressive loads (when appropriate).

    Also… plan for a lot of B and C events before then. Don’t just train from now until 2022. Training is one thing, but racing is a skill as well. You need to learn how to pace yourself (ignore the pack), how to fuel (personal preference), how you respond to pain (which will be more intense in races), etc, etc.

    I’ve messed up races because I waited until I felt “ready” for them. But the only way to be fully ready was to do an event previously to learn from it.

    Mark on #49961

    Thanks Shashi, I’ll proceed with the advice below and will definitely get in touch for a call once I’ve dipped my feet.

    Mark on #49962

    Hi Terry,

    Thanks for the advice, I’ve taken the time to read the material and I’ve started structuring my goals around progressively increasing the load while improving capacity in the required areas. Appreciate this!

    Mark on #49966

    Hi Scott,

    Thank you for the tips, I’ll bear this in mind. Hoping that we can get more events in 2021 once the Covid situation dies down (the UK is on a hard lockdown at the moment). I’ve created a shortlist of potential races and challenges (e.g. FKT routes) that I can use as B and C race goals.

    Anonymous on #49993

    I’ve created a shortlist of potential races and challenges (e.g. FKT routes) that I can use as B and C race goals.

    Excellent idea.

    Garret on #50231

    Hi Mark

    Last year my real A event and the Big Vert plan were a step up from what I’d previously completed.

    As I was unable to travel last year I created my own virtual B events and a single solo A event that replicated my real A event’s distance and vertical.

    I found it help me test out and get a better understanding of the kind of tapering, event nutrition, and post event recovery that does and doesn’t work for me.

    It was also a way to see if / how I could cope with the intensity (Z3, Z4) and volume of the specific weeks in the Big Vert. Turned out I couldn’t deal with some of it and now I know where I need to dial it back so don’t end up carrying an injury into a real A event.

    If I had just kept working on my base I doubt I’d have learnt those lessons.

    – Garret.

    Mark on #50501

    Hi Garret,

    Appreciate the insight and I think that’s as good a reason as any to continue progressing so I can iron out any kinks and adapt where necessary. Appreciate the time you’ve taken to share your experience!

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