Lab Test Vs. Drift Test -> comparison | Uphill Athlete


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Lab Test Vs. Drift Test -> comparison

  • Creator
  • #56057


    I’ve done a Lab Test and a few days later, I did a Drift test to compare the results.
    Please find below a summary of both Tests and the corresponding .FIT files in case you want to analyze them.

    Lab Test

    Date: 19.7.2021
    Feeling: Relaxed, rested
    Method: Thredmill, 1% uphill. 6km/h, increasing 1km/h every minute until exhaustion.
    Heart rate monitoring and gas analyses.
    HR Monitor: Suunto Spartan Ultra (the HR data is surprisingly similar to the one from the lab)

    Drift Test

    Date: 29.7.2021
    Feeling: Relaxed, rested
    Method: After 30 minutes of walking warm/up, walk on a flat track (400m, from the 8th lane) at a constant heart rate of 105bpm for 1 hour.
    Compare the distance walked in the first 30 minutes Vs. the last 30 minutes and obtain the ratio.
    HR Monitor: Suunto Spartan Ultra with high GPS accuracy


    Lab Test:
    AeT: 102 bpm
    AnT: 182 bpm
    Max HR: 190 bpm
    VO2Max: 51 ml/kg/min
    Conclusion: ADS

    Drift Test:
    Avg. bpm: 105 / 104
    Distance meters: 3560 /3500
    Ratio ± 0%
    Consclusion: if the ratio is <3.5%, the AeT is higher than the average one

    What do you think?
    Have I done anything wrong in the Drift Test?

    Any advice to help with the ADS will be much appreciated.

    Thank you!

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  • Participant
    jonmurua on #56060

    The fit files are here

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    maforbes2000 on #56063

    That is an extremely low AeT. Did this come from the lactate test (i.e. 2 mmol), or was it derived from the gas analysis?

    ps, I have no idea how to open/read/use fit files.

    jonmurua on #56064

    That AeT comes from gas analyses.

    I did the test after a 12 weeks-long base period, which I obviously did wrong ?

    The fit files can be uploaded to trainingpeaks to visualize the details.

    AshRick on #56124

    With AnT at 182 — hard to believe your AeT is 102, and only walking speed. Impossible, really.

    Not surprised by your track test. Your HR should not drift at all when walking for an hour. The target HR in a drift test is the *highest* HR with minimal drift over one hour. Every effort level lower than that will have minimal drift as well.

    It looks like that lab test didn’t properly determine your AeT. I had a lab test done, and it was spot-on to my self-administered drift test.

    Have you tried to do a track drift test using what you currently perceive as “long run” pace and HR?

    r.j.hammond345 on #56221

    I was expecting some of the knowledgeable usual responders to come back to you on this but as they haven’t I will give you my observations as a long time lurker on this forum, and someone who has had a couple of good tests.

    Your lab test appears to be a complete waste of time and money to me.

    It is not clear whether or not you completed a good warm up. 15 or 20 minutes at just below your starting pace is usually recommended before commencing the test proper.

    1 km increments seems too large a step up each time.

    The glaring problem with the test appears to be the length of time between speed increases. The recommendation is usually a minimum of 3 minutes between lactate samples/increases in speed, to allow the heart rate to stabilise before the next increase in speed. Going up so quickly, combined with such big increments, appears to have produced nothing of value and no indication of where your actual VT1/AeT, or VT2/AnT lie.

    In your shoes I would ask for my money back. But then again, I am a Yorkshireman!

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