TL;DR version because it’s a fairly long report.
27yo, 74.2kg male, 186cm tall
VO2 max 55.1
RHR usually 56 bpm
AeT 157 bpm
AnT 165 bpm
Max HR 194 bpm
Find attached my recent VO2 max and Aerobic threshold test results. Based on these, I have my training zones but should I make any changes to the normal training to bump my aet higher? Also, the comment regarding carbohydrates being used at steady rate seems to relate directly to fat adaptation; what can I do other than that the normal program from the book to improve the?
Posted In: General Training Discussion
TL;DR version because it’s a fairly long report.
27yo, 74.2kg male, 186cm tall
VO2 max 55.1
RHR usually 56 bpm
AeT 157 bpm
AnT 165 bpm
Max HR 194 bpm
Those guys did a good job on your test and you have done an excellent job with your training. Your AeT is very high in terms of your max HR and you AnT. As the tester said you have a superb aerobic base. HMMMMM……..Now what to do with that great base? Train for a marathon? Climb a big North Face route? Go to an 800m peak? The endurance world is at your feet when you have a good base. Congratulations.
These maxVOP2 tests typically ramp up at a fairly fast rate which does not allow for your metabolism to stabilize. So the fat vs carb percentage is going to be tough to ascertain. You’d need the raw data from this test to tell much anyway. Metabolic efficiency tests usually use stages of 3-4 minutes so that your metabolism will settle down and you can then see how much fat vs how much carb you are relying on.
As for what you can do to enhance fat metabolism: with the super low lactates you got in this test I suspect you are a fat burner already. But read our articles on fat adaptation on the site. They’ll give you some ideas on how you might enhance fat adaptation.
I’m kinda surprised that these results were as good as they were to be honest; I’m nearing the end of my transition period so they are not from this training block.
I’ll carry on with my training as planned, perhaps add in a bit more strength and ME work and continue to improve my technical skills.
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