KIS Strength Training in 24 week Mountaineering Plan's max strength workout | Uphill Athlete


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KIS Strength Training in 24 week Mountaineering Plan's max strength workout

  • Creator
  • #8180


    As I am approaching the base phase in the 24 weeks training plan, I wanted to reread Steve’s article on KIS Strength training and compare the plan’s Mountaineering max strength workout.

    In the description of the plan the progression is explained as follows:
    Weeks 1-2 use 4 sets
    Weeks 3-4 use 5 sets
    Weeks 5-6 use 6 sets
    Weeks 7-8 use 5 sets but increase weight each set and drop reps by 1 in each set. E.g.: set #1=4 reps, set#2=3 reps, set#3=2 reps, set#4=1 rep.

    In Steve’s article he gave an example Six sets of: 4 reps, 4 reps, 3 reps, 3 reps, 2 reps, 2 reps. And then he explains

    “In this example, for the weighted pull-ups, you might use 10kg for the two sets of four, then 12kg for the two sets of three and finally 15kg for the last two sets of 2 reps. For box step-ups you might use 30kg, 40kg, and 45kg loaded in a backpack. (I stage the backpack on a table so I don’t have to pick it up off the ground.)”

    So in his example the weight increases in each set, while reps gradually drop in sets.

    So far so good since this is outlined in the 24 week plan but only in the last 2 weeks. I do understand that the plan is not individualized, yet should one apply only towards the end of the phase or based on how one is feeling could it be adapted earlier on.

    Secondly, the description on the decreasing reps in the sets is weird (or I may need to polish my math)

    5 sets but increase weight each set and drop reps by 1 in each set. E.g.: set #1=4 reps, set#2=3 reps, set#3=2 reps, set#4=1 rep.

    How many reps one does in the 5th set ?


  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #8185

    These are general recommendations. There are several very good ways to increase max strength. Feel free to experiment. There is no ONE way. You need to adjust according to your own needs. The reason for the decreasing reps as the sets progress is that the weight is increasing and you will not be able to do more reps. In the 5th set you could do one rep again. One can do more sets but at some point the weight will not be able to increase.


    Steve House on #8217

    Madanyang- In the 5th set you also do 1 rep, as in the 4th set. Sorry this confused you.

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