I had surgery a little more than a year ago for a hip labrum repair. In the months following I did a ton of physical therapy but I only started some non-impact cardio in October. I didn’t start a running program again until this past February. Since then, I slowly progressed to 30mpw in May, 40mpw in June, and I’ve gotten into the upper 40s and lower 50s in July. All systems are go from the hip perspective at least.
Additionally, I do quite a bit of cross training. Uphill treadmill walking, stand-up cycling (elliptigo), and some stairmill work. Together with the running I’ve been at 10 hours per week of training since early May, with a peak week each month of 13+ hours total training (some extra long elliptigo rides have driven that number up – but I’ve also done some long mountain runs of 3-4 hours in there too).
My primary goal in this ramp up of training is the Pike’s Peak Ascent 3 weeks from tomorrow. I’m in pretty good shape all things considered and I’m looking forward to a good race there.
But another possibility has cropped up on my radar, a 100K race in early November, 12 weeks out from tomorrow. I’ve never raced 100K, I’ve done some ultras with the longest event being a 47 mile double crossing of the Grand Canyon (“rim to rim to rim”). My only goal for this 100K would be to finish, no time goals. Admittedly, part of my wanting to do this is to sort of cement my “return” from the surgery over a year ago.
I have the “Training for the Uphill Athlete” book and I’m tempted to formulate a 12 week plan to incorporate my taper for PPA, and then a ramp up for the 100K but I don’t know how ridiculous/feasible this would be. I’ve raced Pikes Peak many times, I know that the ascent alone won’t take a lot out of me like the downhill marathon does so there won’t be extensive recovery time and I should be able to get back to it shortly after.
Any suggestions or thoughts?