Intro to Ultras Plan – 16 weeks out

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  • #87698

    Hi all – I just purchased the intro to ultras running plan which is a 20 week plan. I have a 55k mountain trail race on September 28th, which falls 16 weeks out. For some background, I have completed a 55k last September 2023 and have kept my mileage around 20-25 miles/week for the past ~6 months along with weight training 2-3/week so feeling generally conditioned but not in ultra shape. I followed an Uphill Athlete mountaineering plan in the past and have incorporated the book’s principles into my training so relatively familiar with the style of UA programming. My training background prior to last year’s 55k training block was much more strength focused than endurance.

    My question is where should I start in the 20 week plan? Should I start at the beginning and cut 4 weeks off the back end or vice versa or somewhere in between? The plan includes a 2 week taper which I would be ok with cutting down to 1-1.5 weeks if needed.

    I would value any insight on the above.

    Thanks in advance.

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