Inguinal hernia | Uphill Athlete

Inguinal hernia

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  • #34639

    Hi everyone

    Recently (about two weeks) I’ve been had inguinal pain on my right leg side. Evidences show me it is Inguinal hernia. I’ve been climbing and weight training for many years and I did nothing unusual while training or climbing. It appeared suddenly and same time with flu sick.

    Before I am looking for a doctor, Do you have any suggestions what should I do?


Posted In: Injury & Rehab

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    Anonymous on #34686

    I’ve seen several athletes who thought they had an inguinal hernia that turned out to to be injured abdominal or hip flexor muscle. Maybe Pete will have some thoughts on how to test for this.


    Anonymous on #34757

    Hi. I had surgery for an inguinal hernia a little over a year ago. In my case, it was obvious. I had no pain (for example, from a muscle injury) but when I tensed my abdomen in the right way, a prominent bulge appeared in my inguinal region, and disappeared when I relaxed. When the surgeon did the repair, he used arthroscopy and a robot–he said that is more precise. he said that the repair is stronger than the normal tissue, and that I could theoretically, so exercise right away, but that I wouldn’t want to, because of the pain/discomfort. He was right–it was about a week to 10 days before I felt ready. I started easy with a towel folded and pressed against by abdomen with a wide belt for support (probably not necessary but good psychological support). I would say, get a professional evaluation, and, if surgery is indicated, pick a a time that works (it’s never the right time) and get it done. It won’t heal, it won’t get smaller, there is only the chance, if you push in the right way, that it will get bigger and/or that a section of your intestine will get entrapped, which is a serious problem. Good luck.

    Pete Dickinson MS,PT on #34906

    I concur with Bruno that deep core/abdominal contraction leading to pain and a bulge in the groin region would indicate concerns for a hernia. Depending on severity this can ‘hide’ behind rest but become more evident with activity. As Scott mentioned, abdominal muscles attaching to the pubic bone in that very same region can confuse the treatment paradigm. A physical exam by a physician can help sort this out to see if you have a bulge in the inguinal canal, or a muscle strain evident on resisted abdominal flexion.

    orlugr on #34915

    A couple days ago I visited sport medicine doctor. After physical examination he found no evidence about inguinal hernia. As Scott Johnston said the doctor thought it is about hip flexor muscle. To be sure doctor asked me for ultrasonic check. Yesterday I had appointment for ultrasonic check. Result is there is no inguinal hernia, overused muscle pain, and reactive lymph nodes due to infection.
    Thank you so much to everyone who enlighten me.

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