Ice Climbing Training Strenght Plan - Specific Training | Uphill Athlete


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Ice Climbing Training Strenght Plan – Specific Training

  • Creator
  • #32035

    Hi Folks,

    right now I’m in the fourth week of the Ice and Mixed Climbing Strength Plan. Next week the specific workouts will start. I have one question concerning the video of the ice climbing exercises that comes with the plan.

    Is the plan refering to the “Incline pull up progression” or to the “Ice tool progression”? If it refers to ice tool progression I have a further question: Phases 1 to 4 don’t have any repetitions. Since everything in the workout and biz part is defined by repetitions, how does this correspond to time. And how much weight and time corresponds to 6 full controlled reps?

    Furthermore do you think it makes more sense to do weighted two arms ice tool hangs first, if they feel easier for me than unweighted one arm hangs?

    Thanks for your help.


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    Anonymous on #32041


    Thanks for writing in to us and for buying this plan. It is one of our most popular and we get great feedback from users. I will try to clear up your confusion below.

    Is the plan refering to the “Incline pull up progression” or to the “Ice tool progression”?

    You may not be ale to use ice tools in some gyms so we insert this note:
    NOTE: If you can’t use ice tools, use the ring progression.

    Furthermore do you think it makes more sense to do weighted two arms ice tool hangs first, if they feel easier for me than unweighted one arm hangs?

    Note the instructions in the workout description. In your case I suggest sticking with the 2 arm weighted hangs for longer to avoid injuring your shoulders.
    NOTE: The Ice Tool Hangs demoed in the beginning of the video: You should be able to hang from 2 tools with body weight for 20 sec and one tool with BW for 5 seconds before progressing to Phase 3.

    If it refers to ice tool progression I have a further question: Phases 1 to 4 don’t have any repetitions.

    Please see comment about reps in the workout description.
    Start with the easiest exercises in the progression. Do 10 reps of each exercise (10/side if needed). In the overall progression shown in the video; Find which “phase” your strength level currently is.
    Do this by completing 8-10 reps in each exercise as you move up the difficulty scale. Make note of which exercise becomes too challenging for 8 reps in good control.

    Since everything in the workout and biz part is defined by repetitions, how does this correspond to time. And how much weight and time corresponds to 6 full controlled reps?

    It has nothing to do with time and it is up to you to select the highest phase (weight/challenge) you use. That is why we have this instruction:

    Do this by completing 8-10 reps in each exercise as you move up the difficulty scale. Make note of which exercise becomes too challenging for 8 reps in good control.

    We understand that these instructions are complicated. But as I say we have used this with hundreds of climbers. Please let me know if you need more clarification.


    Josef on #32043

    Scott, thanks for your detailed answer. And I really have to say, that so far I love the plan and I can already see some improvements after just 4 weeks.

    That makes many things more clear to me. Just one thing I still don’t understand. The video consists of three parts:
    1. Incline Pull Progression
    2. Ice Tool Progression
    3. Toe Raise Progression

    As much as I understood so far, I should use the second progression (Ice Tool) for the training if possible. However, this progression starts with ice tool hangs from 2 and 1 tools with bodyweight and additional weight (Phase 1-4). In contrast to that, phase 5 is a incline pull variation like in progression 1 just with ice tools instead of rings. For me that’s not so clear from the video. What’s the right way to progress?

    Thanks for your time and help.

    Anonymous on #32097


    If you can use ice tools where you train then we recommend doing the hangs from ice tools. If you can’t, then rings will have to suffice. This is why we show both ice tools and rings in the video. The main pulling muscles will be the same for both these but the grip strength training of using the ice tools will be better.


    Anonymous on #32717

    I haven’t used these, but I’ve seen them in some gyms:

    PaulCB on #33291

    Hello All,

    Just about to start the 8 week Ice Climbing training program. Just wanted some clarification around the ice tool hangs.

    In the beginning during general strength weeks where it says “The last stage of the workout after the general routine above:
    Ice tool hangs for 30 seconds, tools in both hands. Stop if you start to shake. Keep your shoulder muscles active, don’t hang fully relaxed so that your shoulder is stretching out, this can cause injury.” -does this mean just one set total of a 30 sec hang?



    TerryLui on #33342

    -does this mean just one set total of a 30 sec hang?

    Hey Paul,
    That’s how I’m doing it

    PaulCB on #33443

    Thanks for the response Terry. So are you doing 10 reps of 30sec hangs or just 1 rep of a 30 second hang? Sorry, I should have been more clear in my earlier question.

    Also, FWIW, I am using the DryIce tools from Furnace Industries in my local climbing gym as they did not want me using ice tools on the equipment. They work great in my opinion.

    Steve House on #33552

    10 reps of the 30 sec hang is the intention. @pbakerwi4

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