Have not seen any discussion on hydration here. It strikes me as an important aspect of an alpine climb. I know I’ve suffered from dehydration, and I’ve also carried so much that it doomed the chances of climbing fast enough to complete the objective. So what’s a climber to do?
The maximum the body can absorb per hour (800ml?) strikes me as way too large a threshold to be meaningful in the alpine. You’ll never carry enough water for this to be an issue, unless you have a running stream next to you all the time. I’ve read about the camel strategy: pound while you can at camp so you can then run on little, and then carry no more than ~1l for a single push: http://stephdavis.co/blog/light-is-right-tips-for-climbing-long-routes/
Some have theorized that mixing chia seeds with your water makes it “last longer” because the seeds release it more slowly in the body. Not sure if this is conjecture and an old wives’ take or if there is some truth to it.
I also wonder whether thirst adaptation is trainable like fat adaptation is (different mechanisms, of course).
I’d be interested in hearing more about Steve’s strategies and any other tips.
Thanks in advance!