I have not listened to the Peak Performance podcast, but this article might help answer your question –
When and How to Add High-Intensity Training: The 10 Percent Test
The guys on the Peak Performance podcast from the 123rd STS in Kentucky (in the episode here ) mention three ways to develop the aerobic base: LSD, HRI/tempo intervals (20-30mins composed of 10-15s work @ “75% exertion” w/ 60-75sec rest), and threshold intervals (12-15mins composed of 3-6mins work @ 90-95% AnT, rest until HR = 130bpm).
Curious to hear from the sources here if any higher intensity training intervals, like those above, are endorsed as strictly aerobic base-builders.
Thanks for any input, and sorry to the Peak guys if I misrepresented their methodology.
Posted In: General Training Discussion
I have not listened to the Peak Performance podcast, but this article might help answer your question –
When and How to Add High-Intensity Training: The 10 Percent Test
Specific recipes will never work for every person. Whenever someone says, “this workout does such and such”, I don’t think that they’ve observed it in a broad enough spectrum of athletes.
More specifically:
…three ways to develop the aerobic base: LSD…
No argument there. Without being specific, “LSD” will apply to everyone. But “long” and “slow” will differ for everyone. For example, “slow” for pros will make others explode.
…HRI/tempo intervals (20-30mins composed of 10-15s work @ “75% exertion” w/ 60-75sec rest)…
What does “HRI” mean?
With anaerobic threshold as the benchmark, 75% will be pretty manageable for almost everyone. In someone with severe ADS, it’ll be a good aerobic threshold workout (although they will think it’s too easy). For someone highly trained, it’ll also be pretty mellow.
…and threshold intervals (12-15mins composed of 3-6mins work @ 90-95% AnT, rest until HR = 130bpm).
This is the one that gets a big “it depends”. For someone who is really well-trained, 90-95% of AnT will be aerobic threshold. So yes, this workout would be great for them because that intensity will have become difficult because of the speed (while the metabolic cost will be low). For someone with ADS, this workout will reinforce or worsen the condition because, although the speed is slow relative to their genetic potential, the metabolic cost will be high because of their reliance on glycolytic metabolism.
Lastly, the rest recommendation (until HR is 130) is the most revealing. I have several clients with very high heart rates (for structural or genetic reasons, not training), so if they had to wait for 130, they might wait all day until they were standing still.
Unless… were they recommending doing massive rests? That won’t have as big a benefit. Active rests would be better in this protocol because it’ll force the working muscle to reabsorb some of the lactate that is produced. Which again is why “130 bpm” will be nonsense for someone with high heart rates.
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