I don’t have any size insights, but my understanding is that AeT and AnT are unique to an individual and shifts in those #s for that person are relative to their fitness. So not applicable to compare across to yourself as an indicator of theoretical fitness equivalency.
I think your’re going to have to look at deeper training history (last 5-10yrs), recent training history (last 6 months), immediate history (last few days of training or illness), technique etc for differences in the apparent fitness.
For example, if I did a muscular endurance workout 1 or 2 days ago, and am in a higher volume week or block, I will not have the same performance as an equivalently fit friend who just had a lighter rest week. As another example, I have 30yrs of ski history and my up and down technique and my thermoregulation is way smoother than someone who is a yr or 2 into the sport. Similarly, if I am coming down with or recovering from a cold, my performance tanks.