Gym based ME sessions | Uphill Athlete


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Gym based ME sessions

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  • #10649

    Hi all,

    What are people’s go to gym-based exercises and rep schemes for developing muscular endurance in the base period?

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    Anonymous on #10684

    From the horse’s mouth: Verkhoshansky’s Block Training System for runners works great. It comes bundled with his other books:

    samseabass on #10694

    Thanks Scott. I did have a copy of that when I purchased Supertraining many years ago, but but no longer on this laptop. I’ll ask some of my University alumnus and see if there’s a copy I can get my hands on. I also found a suggested ME work out within the uphill athlete articles, looks brutal.

    shane1 on #10883

    I’m also interested in this as where I live is quite flat and doesn’t provide many natural options for uphill workouts in nature.

    Can the training programs here be adapted or used in a gym environment?

    shane1 on #10884

    I should add that I’m mostly interested in preparing for mountaineering endeavors and aiming for 8000+ over the next years.

    Anonymous on #10896

    They can easily be done in a gym environment. That’s where they originated.

    I use a weight vest and a kettlebell, but an Olympic bar would work too.

    shane1 on #10900

    Awesome, that sounds good. I’ve had my eyes on some weight vests.. generally had been filling my backpack up with massive water reservoirs… lol.

    PUMPED to start my new training regime and getting mountain ready.

    shane1 on #10904

    would it be advisable to not be doing any other training programs OR group workouts while also using these training programs?

    hafjell on #10905

    I’ll let others with more expertise weigh in, but from my experience, you won’t be able to do much more than the training program if you want to properly recover. If you’re doing the exercises as outlined, you most likely won’t have the energy or strength for extra curriculars. The heavy weeks of the base period should feel pretty intense.

    Anonymous on #10910

    With LME training, there are two very important caveats:

    * Only add LME to your program after you’ve built a solid base. At a minimum, AeT should be within <10% of AnT.
    * When you start adding LME, whatever base capacity you have needs to be maintained or LME will reduce your capacity rather than increase it. If you find yourself too tired to maintain your typical base volume, then you need to cut back on LME training.

    shane1 on #10916

    Ok, this is amazing and thank you for the feedback.

    Feel like this was obviously a silly question now… going to be wrecked on this training program ;p #embracethepain

    Anonymous on #10917

    Working hard is important, but getting wrecked is too much. If you feel that tired, be sure to back off.

    It’s tempting to think that the deeper the hole, the better the effect, but that’s not how it works. It’s much better to use manageable loads and slowly increase them. You’ll have a longer, and much more effective, training history that way.

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