Ego. | Uphill Athlete


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  • #61941

    Wow, coming off the first training call. THANK YOU. This is going to be the hardest thing for me. Stripping it all back.

    For 3 years now I’ve had training plans (I create based on my own research) that I love and do and continue – but 100% know I need base. I need to train with accountability (why I signed up for UA) Been skirting around UA for a couple years loving everything about it. I need to do the basics and do it right so I can continue this well into my older years. Hence, starting this programme. It will also help me be a better practitioner to the multi-sporters I treat in Clinic (I’m an Acupuncturist).

    Holy Hell, my ego is screaming. Normally on my day off from work (I get 1 whole day no child no home obligation) and I head away for 5-6 hours up this one mountain I love. Now I’m like OMG – 1Hr? I only get to do 1Hr??? Running to aerobic threshold Im like – wow, have I been over training this whole time but this is so slow to me… trust the process Pie, trust the process. I keep telling myself. Heart health, Heart fitness. Ok got it. Heart is a muscle too and it needs to be trained to. Always. Got it… but I never realised how hard this hits my Ego. Scaling it back. Im terrified that I will lose everything I built up. My ego is terrified. My rational self says “Pie – this is where it truly begins if you’re that serious about being a better athlete.”

    Thank you in advance UA for teaching me – Patience. I just hope I don’t begin violently vacuuming or feel I need to vacuum the stairs 20x ya know just to get it super clean hahahaha.

  • Keymaster
    Coach on #61942

    I am so proud of you for letting go and trusting a new process. What a great post for everyone to see! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Anonymous on #61957

    As someone who has had a tendency to over reach a lot in life this has been a hard lesson for me to learn but an incredibly valuable one. We are here for your journey!

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