Doubts about year macrocicle | Uphill Athlete


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Doubts about year macrocicle

  • Creator
  • #22061

    First of all, congratulations for the book! Really great job

    I will write you in english and then in spanish, my english is not very good.

    I have a doubt about de macrocicle that you explain in the book. Your refer a macro of:

    8 weeks prep
    20 weeks base
    4 weeks specific
    2 weeks tappering
    6 weeks peak

    total 40 weeks

    So, there is the doubt,, how you make a whole year cicle? How you fill the remaining 3 months? Do you no lose the form during this time?


    ITengo una duda sobre el macrociclo que explicais en el libro. Haceis referencia a un macro de

    8 weeks prep
    20 weeks base
    4 weeks specific
    2 weeks tappering
    6 weeks peak

    total 40 weeks

    Entonces, ahi esta mi duda. Como haceis un año completo de entrenamiento? Como rellenas las 12 semanas (3 meses) restantes? No se pierde la forma fisica durante ese tiempo?

    Thanks Steve!

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    Anonymous on #22085

    Thank you for writing to us. Which book are you referring to? Training for the New Alpinism or Training for the Uphill Athlete?

    What pages specifically are you referring to?


    tinezmartinez on #22086

    Oh sorry. I im reading training for the new alpinism. A spanish version.

    When you refer the weeks of the prep/base/specific/tappering and peak proposed in each chapter and in any part of the book that are mentioned, the weeks don’t fill thw whole year, just 9 months.

    And in chapter 14, Entrenarse escalando (train climbing?), in the sample calendar of steve training you refer a macrocicle of 12 months

    TerryLui on #22090

    Hey tinezmartinez,
    A few things come to mind:
    1) After finishing your current program, take a couple weeks to cross train/do other activities. It will help your body and mind to mix it up

    2) If you want to extend the training duration to cover more than 40 weeks, I’ve read of people extending the base period of the program. If I remember correctly, the saying is “you cannot have too large of an aerobic base”

    3) You can extend other periods in your training to focus on any specific areas that need more attention. Example: you may have a longer Transition period if you’re coming back from an injury; or you may extend the Specific period if you need more time to train technical skills like climbing

    hope that helps!

    depeyster on #22091

    The (kindle) English version of “entrenarse escalando” for the Chapter title is “Training by climbing.” My sister is a translator (French to English) so I wonder if the Spanish translator had climbing experience.

    To build on TerriLui,

    4) Tapering can be maintained “for up to six weeks.”

    Anonymous on #22135


    Yes, the plan does not fill the whole year. Those charts were meant to be examples not the only way to lay out a plan. So you may have 36 weeks till you main goal. Or maybe it is 42 or 48. We can never know how much time a person will have before their main objective. You expand the plan by repeating some of the base period weeks if you are pretty fit. Or you do this by increasing the length of the transition period if you are new to training.

    As Terry says. Once you build this solid foundation of fitness you can maintain it with only occasional training for many (4-6) weeks. This might happen if you are going to go on a bigger expedition or even if you plan on a long season in the alps. You do the training for 40 weeks and then maybe you are 1 month in Chamonix climbing. During those weeks climbing your base fitness will be maintained. At the end of this period you would have 40 weeks of training, 8 weeks on an expedition and a few weeks going to the beach with your girlfriend 🙂 and be ready to start over again.

    In the end it is not exact. Use the charts a guides not as a recipe.


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