Cpet test | Uphill Athlete


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Cpet test

  • Creator
  • #85778

    Hi there,
    Yesterday i did a cpet test (Cardiopulmonary exercise testing), with a stationary bike and the results are a bit disappoint about my aerobic threshold.
    So basically my aerobic threshold is at 121 bpm and the doctor said that for running i can add 5 bpm.
    On the other hand my anaerobic threshold is at 162(plus eventually 5 bpm).
    The disappointment is because i train since a while and last year and this year my consistency is pretty good. i thought my aerobic threshold would place at least 10 bpm more.
    They didn’t take lactate samples and it was on bike (i don’t do bike).
    On my Garmin I have 5 zones based on my lactate threshold (158 bpm) so basically my up end of the z2 is 137/138 bpm; with those results from yesterday do I have to reconsider my zones?
    thanks a lot

  • Participant
    thierryw203 on #85780

    I think the biggest factor is that you using a bike and your not use to riding. That for sure can give you a different result.

    Ste17 on #85782

    I hope so, I need to do some test with lactate sample; or do you suggest any other test? thanks a lot

    Jane Mackay on #85791

    As theirryw203 noted, the HR zones for one modality don’t necessarily transfer to a different modality. To get an appropriate result for running, I would recommend either redoing the lab test on a treadmill, or doing the DIY AeT test: https://uphillathlete.com/aerobic-training/aerobic-anaerobic-threshold-self-assessment/


    Ste17 on #85792

    Thanks a lot Jane, i thought so, but at the lab they told me that they prefer stationary bike because the reading is more stable. Anyway i will try the DIY AeT test.
    Thanks again.

    Ste17 on #85939

    Hi there, this morning I tried a drift test. But I think I didn’t do it properly. On the site runalyze my Pa:HR shows a 2.4% as the image . So I think I can push my BPM a bit further, but if I calculate the average of the two half segments, the first is 135,3 and the second is 140,8 and this way is clore to the 5% drift. Am I right ? Thanks a lot

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    Jane Mackay on #85988

    It’s hard for me to tell from this graph. Can you get a graph that shows time on the x (horizontal) axis and HR on the y (vertical) axis?

    Ste17 on #85989

    I have this from Garmin it shows HR and time with average of 139 white line. Thanks a lot

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    Jane Mackay on #86026

    Did you start the recording at the beginning of the warmup or after the warmup?

    Ste17 on #86135

    I forgot to mention it, I did 2 separate activity, 15 minutes warmup and then I started the 1 hour workout as on the graph.

    Jane Mackay on #86140

    That difference works out at 4%, so I think you could take 139 as your AeT for now. It’s better to err on the lower side, in any case, to avoid pushing too hard in Z2 workouts. Taking your AnT as 162, that’s a 17% differential, so you want to prioritise training in Z2.

    You could train with 139 as your AeT for a month or two and see how it feels. Over time, you’ll start to get a sense of when you’re nearing the top of Z2 even without the HR data. It’d be good to retest in 2 or 3 months.


    Ste17 on #86151

    Thanks a lot Jane for replying, I’m gonna retest it in a while as in 4 weeks I have my first race a so I’m gonna prioritise my workouts in the an. threshold. Anyway I like the journey ?.

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