Chamonix Mountain Fit, how does it fit in? | Uphill Athlete


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Chamonix Mountain Fit, how does it fit in?

  • Creator
  • #51090

    Evening all

    I have been applying the TFtNA and TFtUA principles (mostly on but sometimes off) for about 4 years. I have seen improvements, but at 62 these are slow.
    My main training cycle tends to be in the run up to the winter skiing and mountaineering season. As I ski and climb I try to develop all round strength. I try to follow the recommended general strength, then maximum strength, then muscular endurance approach.

    As normal plans have gone awry due to the virus, I have just continued with a version of the general strength routine (+ core) twice a week at home. Didn’t see any point trying to move to a maximum strength phase with the future unclear and gyms closed. Being a little jaded with the usual routine at home the Chamonix Mountain Fit programme looks like it might be an interesting change.

    Before I take the plunge I wanted help to understand how it fits in with the other elements of strength training you recommend, such as the “killer core routine” maximum strength phases and muscular endurance, for an all round skier/mountaineer/climber.

    Thanks in anticipation.


  • Participant
    Reed on #51191

    I think it’s a great program. You can do it instead of or in addition to your strength / core routine. I view it as preventative maintenance… I’ve spent $75 on one physical therapy session only to have the therapist watch me do an hour of these same types of exercises, and didn’t think it was a good use of funds. On the other end of the spectrum, you can find all sorts of lists of exercises and videos on YouTube etc. if you want to do it yourself. The Chamonix Mountain Fit strikes a nice balance for me. And it’s hard – I’m repeating “level 1” a couple more times. 🙂

    r.j.hammond345 on #51606

    You old smooth talker you. Purchase made today and a quick scan through the various levels shows a comprehensive and demanding programme.

    I suspect that I will be back later to check how this fits in with the Aerobic base building timetable (as in before or after the 2 hour walk/run for those of us at it 6 days a week).

    Level 0 gradual introduction from Monday.

    Reed on #51748

    Hah! Maybe I should ask for a commission. 😛 I hope it goes well for you – it’s a good tool in the toolkit.

    jakedev on #53807

    I know this is an old thread but I am interested in a deeper conversation about this. Thought the ChamoFIT would be too easy but boy was I wrong. Identified alot of weaknesses I need to work on.

    The Chamonix Fit seems to be very lower body focused (with some core and shoulder work). My initial thought would be to do a ChamoFIT session followed by a upper body session and with General Strength exercises from the tFtNA (Pullups, Hangs, T2B, etc). However that makes for quite along session. Especially if doing that twice a week.

    I’m curious how people are balancing that out.
    – Doing upper body in a separate session?
    – Doing a whole other General Strength session (upper and lower body)?
    – Are you just omitting certain parts of General Strength to focus on ChamoFIT?

    r.j.hammond345 on #53813

    I am in exactly the same boat as you. Completing level 1 twice a week (graduating to L2 after rest week next week) plus climbing once or twice a week, alongside working on my aerobic base… At 62 I simply can’t face other strength work and probably wouldn’t recover if I tried. Compromises compromises!

    Zirbelkiefer on #53832

    I started doing this program as a general strength conditioning routine because gyms are still closed. I will switch to the gym based ME training after mastering Level 4 (currently in Level 3). I will stick with this program in the future too because I found it to be extremly effective in both developing functional base strength and especially at avoiding injuries. I do fingerboard training on other days (pull ups, hangs).

    jakedev on #53892

    So I’m doing Z4 intervals once a week and 7 hours of foot borne volume. I think doing the Chamonix once a week may be good for me to maintain and see where I’m at. Once the transition for winter rolls around in the fall I’ll do 2x a week for 4 weeks.

    I’ll just do a upper body workout on a different day. I like all the activation stuff so might look up some good exercises to do so for shoulders and arms before some upper body circuit work. Thanks for the thoughts and if anybody has anymore feedback love to hear it.


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