Ant test | Uphill Athlete


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Ant test

  • Creator
  • #72363
    Saadia Sharjeel

    @MarkPostle I did my Ant test on 1st November. The average HR was 169. My Aet HR was 138. According to the math I did, the difference between the two is more than 10% of the Ant HR. I have Interval Notations starting this week. Should I continue with the plan?

    I wanted to ask this in today’s call but the timing doesn’t work for me.


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    Anonymous on #72388

    Saadia, You do have a pretty good gap between AeT and AnT but so do a lot of folks and you’re working on that! I actually would do the interval work as prescribed in the plan for the moment and see how your recover. It is a very modest amount of total time at intensity (20 minutes at the moment) compared to the weekly total and that small amount shouldn’t have a negative effect on your aerobic capacity development. You always have to consider the timing and nature of your goals but I think a bit of short duration interval work will be fine.

    Saadia Sharjeel on #72401

    Thanks a lot.

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