(Another) AeT Interpretation Question | Uphill Athlete

(Another) AeT Interpretation Question

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  • #81343

    I performed 2 Heart Rate Drift tests on back to back weeks, same time of day and conditions. I was shooting for 140bpm in test #1 and got a 2.84% drift. In test 2, I got a 3.14% drift at 145bpm (Screenshot below). I know we’re supposed to shoot for 3.5%-5%. Do I need to repeat the test a 3rd time at 150bpm? Or should I take something between 145 and 150 or 155? I feel like high 140s is getting a little bit past where I feel conversational, so I expected to be in that 4%ish range at 145bpm, so it’s unexpectedly lower. Do I need to retest or can I safely say my AeT is in the mid to high 140s?

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  • Participant
    xiankiefer on #81577

    Split the difference. Your Zone 2 is 133-148.

    xiankiefer on #81578

    Also: CONGRATS! Those are awesome numbers!

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