Hi everyone,
I’m trying to get started on the Uphill Athlete 8-week Basic Mountaineering Plan, but I can’t seem to nail down my AeT despite taking the treadmill test four times over the past two weeks. The first test’s results are probably invalid due to a delay of several minutes or so between the end of my warm-up and commencement of the 60-minute test, but here are the results anyway:
Date 11/4/2019
Start time 8:55 PM
After work? YES
Test machine Precor Treadmill
HRM Bontrager Chest Strap
Warm-up (minutes) 15:00
At test commencement:
HR <I didn’t record it>
Treadmill Incline 9.0
Treadmill Speed (mph) 3.5
HR, 1st 30 min. of test:
Average 121
Minimum 101
Maximum 126
HR, 2nd 30 min. of test:
Average 126
Minimum 123
Maximum 129
Cardiac Drift 4.03%
Nose-breathing 100%
I retook the test one week later, but the Cardiac Drift result (2.24%) was too low. Here are the results:
Date 11/11/2019
Start time 9:38 PM
After work? YES
Test machine Precor Treadmill
HRM Bontrager Chest Strap
Warm-up (minutes) 15:00
At test commencement:
HR 121
Treadmill Incline 10.0
Treadmill Speed (mph) 2.8
HR, 1st 30 min. of test:
Average 128
Minimum 119
Maximum 132
HR, 2nd 30 min. of test:
Average 130
Minimum 127
Maximum 135
Cardiac Drift 2.24%
Nose-breathing 100%
Since the Cardiac Drift result for my second test was too low, for the third test I raised the treadmill speed from 2.8 mph to 2.9 mph and my initial heart rate from 121 bpm to 129 bpm–and my Cardiac Drift result DROPPED to 1.05%! Here are the results:
Date 11/13/2019
Start time 9:38 PM
After work? NO
Test machine Precor Treadmill
HRM Bontrager Chest Strap
Warm-up (minutes) 15:00
At test commencement:
HR 129
Treadmill Incline 10.0
Treadmill Speed (mph) 2.9
HR, 1st 30 min. of test:
Average 133
Minimum 129
Maximum 137
HR, 2nd 30 min. of test:
Average 135
Minimum 130
Maximum 138
Cardiac Drift 1.05%
Nose-breathing 100%
Confused, I took a fourth test planning to raise my initial heart rate to 135 bpm, but I only got it up to 127 bpm, down from 129 bpm for the last test. But I did increase my test speed from 2.9 mph to 3.3 mph, and my Cardiac Drift result increased to 4.41%. Here are the results:
Date 11/16/2019
Start time 6:12 PM
After work? NO
Test machine Precor Treadmill
HRM Bontrager Chest Strap
Warm-up (minutes) 15:00
At test commencement:
HR 127
Treadmill Incline 10.0
Treadmill Speed (mph) 3.3
HR, 1st 30 min. of test:
Average 136
Minimum 127
Maximum 142
HR, 2nd 30 min. of test:
Average 142
Minimum 139
Maximum 146
Cardiac Drift 4.41%
Nose-breathing 100%
I’m really anxious to get started on my training plan. Do I need to do another test to get a cardiac drift result closer to 5%, or would it be safe to assume my AeT is 130 bpm (or 125 bpm) for purposes of my training plan?
By the way, I am a 61-year-old Midwestern flatlander who bikes a little in the flatlands, plays a little basketball, and hikes and snowshoes a bit in the Colorado Rockies–which is to say I highly doubt that I am aerobically fit (hence the training program). On the other hand, my job requires me to be on my feet 7.5 hours per day, 5 days per week, and I have snowshoed up to 15.6 miles in one day in Rocky Mountain National Park, so I’m not a total couch potato.
Thanks in advance for helping me get started on my training plan.