2023 ACSM Annual Meeting Notes: Pre Conference | Uphill Athlete


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2023 ACSM Annual Meeting Notes: Pre Conference

  • Creator
  • #78554
    Zoe Nance

    GSSI(Gatorade Sports Science Institute): Translating Research into Nutrition Strategies to Support Athlete’s Mind, Gut and Body

    Resting Metabolic Rate changes across the menstrual cycle. RMR and BF don’t increase during Phase I or phase IV of cycle. Do not assume female athletes follow regular menstrual cycles unless confirmed by serum test. There is a significant differences between individual females.
    Dr Eric Rawson, PhD
    Creatine and the Brain
    Creatine MONOHYDRATE
    years of research 3-5g/day for 30 days or 20g/day for 5 days
    roughly increases muscle creatine 20% and brain creatine 5 to 10%
    Fuel: Phosphocreatine PCr/glycogen increases and PcR re-synthesis
    Changes in gene expression, growth factors, and satellite cells/cellular swelling and hyperhydration

    Muscle vs Brain
    Brain uptake is regional
    not easy to deplete brain creatine
    Creatine supplementation in concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury is VERY promising, creatine seems to have a neuroprotective role. In TBI brain creatine decreases. Creatine Transport appears to be between brain cells,
    suggestion to dose on muscle mass, excess in excreted in urine

    Dr Mary Miles, PhD
    Gut Probiotics GI Health and Nutrition Absorption

    Immune Defense, and Barrier function.
    1.5 kg bacteria (10 to the 13th)
    Prebiotics, dietary fiber. polyphenols, and N-3 Fatty acids
    Challenges to the gut during exercise: hypoxia, barrier function, leaky gut leads to inflammation.
    Degradation of tight junctions
    mild endotoxemia leaky gut
    Heat exasperates this increase in lymphocytes, and leukocytes
    single strain no improvement, multi-strain less than 6 weeks, no improvement, multi-strain 12-14 weeks, seems to show some improvement

    -Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium decrease inflammation and Ph, decreases zonulin = decrease in tight junction degradation (leaky gut Sx) Research seems to indicate that endurance athletes may have decrease in Respiratory Infections RTI with 12 weeks of multistrain

    Dr Stella Volpe
    Muscle Magnesium and Muscle Function
    4th most abundant mineral in the body, 2nd most intra-cellular
    ionized is the best way to test. Blood serum lags behind in measuring deficiency
    WHO states 80% of world population is some level deficient.
    Mg supplementation only works if deficient.
    Dates are great source, non animal, and non refined. Eating peels of fruits, veggies, potatoes.
    Best supplementation form: Mg Glycinate, others Mg Citrate, Mg Lactate, Mg Aspartate, Mg Chloride
    The worst, and also most Rx: Mg Oxides, and Mg Sulfates. Why? Not bio-available, and oxides cause diarrhea. Cheap which is why Rx.

    Graeme L. Close
    Paper to Podium: Transitional Potential of Sports Nutrition Research:
    1. Research Context
    2. Participants Characteristics
    3. Research Design
    4. Dietary Controls
    5. Validity and Reliability
    6. Data Analysis and Summery
    7. Feasibility of Application
    8. Risks and Reward.

    These are all the things to look at before taking a research article mainstream.

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  • Moderator
    Chantelle Robitaille on #78715

    Thank you, Zoe! I appreciate you sharing your notes and look forward to reviewing these in more detail. We can’t see your attachments, however. Do you want to email those to me and I can see what we can do about getting those up?

    Zoe Nance on #78720

    I would love to, Thanks Chantelle! I am going to type a few more right now, it’s a size thing on the slides.

    Zoe Nance on #78721

    Mary Miles PhD
    Gut Probiotics Gi Health and Nutrition Absorption: Montana State University
    Healthy Gut = Immune Defense and Barrier function
    1.5 kg bacteria(10 to the 13th)
    > than 160 species per person
    dietary fiber
    N-3 Fatty Acids
    Challenges to gut during exercise:
    Decrease in barrier function = leaky gut leads to inflammation
    – degradation of tight junctions
    -mild endotoxemia
    -leaky gut
    Increase in T-Lymphocytes and Leukocytes
    Single strain supplementation no response
    Multi strain supplementation less than 6 weeks, no response
    Multi Strain supplementation 12-14 weeks evidence maybe
    Bifobacterium both decrease inflammation and Ph
    Bifo: decreases zonulin = decrease in tight junction degradation

    **12 weeks of multistrain in endurance athletes decreases incidence of respiratory tract infections

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