12 week Time Crunched Mountaineering Plan - running included? | Uphill Athlete


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12 week Time Crunched Mountaineering Plan – running included?

  • Creator
  • #52846
    Tim H.

    12 week Time Crunched Mountaineering Plan question. Does it involve a lot or any running? I can hike, climb, ski, etc just fine but running typically wrecks my knees afterwards.

    Any information greatly appreciated!

Posted In: Mountaineering

  • Participant
    Shashi on #52868


    I follow the 24-week mountaineering plan and the 12-week plan is just a shorter version of it.

    At a high level, you will have two days of strength training, three days of aerobic workouts, one day of recovery workout and one rest day in a week.

    For your aerobic workouts, you can hike up a steep hill (preferred), building stairs, or do these workouts on a Stairmaster/Treadmill in gym. You don’t have to run.

    Hope this is helpful.

    Tim H. on #52880

    Thank you Shashi, that helps clarify things. I just purchased the program, and fortunately I have a nice steep mountain trail near my home for the weighted pack portion of the program. Looking forward to starting it next week.

    Shashi on #52881

    Great! Wish you the best!

    Feel free to post here if you have any questions about the training program.

    Tim H. on #52889

    Hello Shashi,

    Prior to getting the Time Crunched Mountaineer program, I completed the Ice/Mixed program and definitely saw improvements over the winter ice climbing. It was great.

    While the ice tools have been sadly put away for the spring/summer, I do want to ensure I keep some upper body strength training in the mix. What would you recommend that would be a good compliment to the Time Crunched Mountaineer program? I have lifted weights, trained, etc. consistently for about 15 years (nothing high level, just consistently) so I am really familiar with strength training, but I don’t want to add too much and diminish the program efforts.

    thanks again!

    Shashi on #52890

    I have not done the Ice/Mixed program but planning to do it towards the end of this year. In your mountaineering plan, you will be doing some upper body workouts like hanging leg raises, pull-ups. Once a week, as part of your strength workout you can add some max strength workouts from your Ice/Mixed climbing plan but reduce the sets/reps. Even a low volume once a week should help with maintenance.

    Prioritize the workouts in the mountaineering plan and make sure you account for the additional volume/stress that you are adding to your training. As you said, you don’t want to impact your primary goal.

    Tim H. on #53042

    OK, I think this is the last question about the Time Crunched Plan…I am looking at my calendar in Training Peaks and the upcoming weeks of the program, and I see that on some days there are two workouts listed: Max Box Step Up/Step Down and an Aerobic Pace Hike.

    The Box Step workout is always 30 mins, and the Hike increases in time over the weeks which makes sense. Is that correct that there are the two workouts on the same day? Is the intent to do them one right after the other, or AM/PM timing?
    I included a screenshot which shows the format for those two workouts in question.

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    Shashi on #53064

    Is the intent to do them one right after the other, or AM/PM timing?

    AM/PM. Assuming you just have one rest day and one recovery day in a week in the time-crunched plan

    Anonymous on #55130

    Thanks, Shashi!

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