Hi all,
I’d like your opinion on my training as it will be very unique.
I’m training for a 120km run with 6000m of ascent in early october in the Pyrenees. I’m going to aim for a time under 20 hours which seems very challenging but doable.
As for my training, I’ve been running a lot with not so much of ascent until now, peaking at around 80/90km weeks with 2000/2500 of ascent. I’m doing in ten days a prep race of 80km with 2500m of ascent, which I plan to do in 10 hours (did it in 10h15 over two back to back workouts).
Then I’m leaving mid-August for 5 weeks of backpacking through the Pyrenees, aiming to do about 1000km with 60 000 m of ascent, with a light baseweight (~5kg), but often carrying 3 to 5 days of supply for both me and my dog, so carrying between 6 and 13kgs.
I will probably finish this trip about 3 weeks from the race.
I’ve been thinking about it for a few years now, that a very long backpacking trip must be a very good preparation for ultra running, if complemented with some actual running. I’m curious to know how it will go.
Doing the backpacking trip, I’m wondering if there are things I can do to help me prepare as best as possible for the race. The trip itself should be a very good preparation, but maybe I could dedicate 5 to 10 hours a week to do something else than backpacking, to help with the training.
Any insights would be deeply apprecited, but I’m particularly wondering about :
– Should I do some strength work or climbing 1500m with a backpack everyday should be sufficient for both core and legs ? (I will also do some yoga most of the mornings, lunch, and end of the day)
– Should I go for a quick run one a week? twice a week ? three times a week ? Or would one long run (half a day) per week without the backpack would be enough ? And if I do run should I try to aim for some elevation to practice descending fast on technical terrain, or should I try to do some flat running for leg turnover and speed ?
– Any other way I could prepare myself ?
Also after the backpacking trip, I was planning on just resting for 1 week, then do 1 week of running with mainly flat running, and then taper for one week.
Thanks for the insights!