Hi Guys,
I have had a copy of TFTNA for a few years now and used it to train for a couple of mountaineering trips.
I have run road races/road marathons and am now training for my first ultra in February of next year.
Accordingly I recently purchased TFTUA, conducted the appropriate self -tests and discovered i have ADS.
Since then i have slowed down the speed of all my runs and have begun slowly increasing volume.
I am typically running 5 times a week, but my longest run is currently only 90 mins. My question relates to hiking – if volume at low intensities is the way to cure ADS can I add/substitute some hiking (3-4 hours, 500-1000m elevation gain) to speed up the process somewhat?
Im aware the hikes don’t directly correspond to my goal event but i am looking at the next 6 months really as a base building exercise with an ultra at the end to round it off. I feel that as long as i can recover well enough from the hikes to be able to carry out my planned runs I should be ok?
Many thanks in advance