Thanks for the feedback. I made appointments to see two orthopedic surgeons. I just got back from seeing the first.
The tear is strange. It’s intrasubstance and in the middle of the tendon. He actually preferred to call it degenerate tissue.
He basically gave me three options:
surgery (6-8 weeks recovery)
injections including
PRP (plasma)
amniotic fluid
bone marrow stem cells
Wharton’s jelly (and others similar to it)
physical therapy with dry needling
Surgery would prevent me from training and shut down the trip. I think my body is strong enough, but my cardio endurance isn’t there yet. I’m tabling it until I get a second opinion.
I’m definitely checking out physical therapy.
The injections are the confusing part. They vary wildly in price and results for each have been mixed at best. I need to do more research.
Thanks very much for your feedback. I’m gonna ease back on my training until I figure out what to do next.