Thanks for the explanation of the science behind the “conundrum” here. I am familiar with Max strength work and find that 4 to 5 reps in a percentage based progression works really well for me (hypertrophy does not-I have a hard of a time putting on muscle mass). I will be sure to incorporate 2 days of good barbell work into my 50k plan that I will develop based on Uphill Athlete. I just always feel good with strength work.
On a side note, a very important point I took from the book was the advice to plan your microcycle in 2 week segments. A simple concept, but I have never done this for any training I have ever done. I have always planned all the way through and inevitably ran up against the anxiety of having to make every work out as written, then watching the whole plan fall apart when I missed some. After reading this and following the theme throughout the book, it feels like a weight has been taken off my shoulders when it comes to training.