Where to restart the training | Uphill Athlete

Where to restart the training

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  • #44049

    I am a bit in limbo with my training. I was able to emphasize strength training over the last months, rather Max strength type. However my aerobic capacity is not where it should be, mainly due to injuries. So from a phase perspective, strength wise I am in the base period but aerobic wise in Transition I guess? Also due to the injuries, I can not start with the recommended aerobic workouts described in the training plans (I have both the 8 week and 24 week one), their length is too long.

    I just finished watching the videos of the Mountain Performance online Workshop which sparked my interest in creating my own plan in Trainingpeaks (following along the 24 week plan that I have and adjust as I need)

    Here is my question. Shall I start back in Transition, also back to general strength then, and if yes for the full 8 weeks? Shall I continue max strength or even only strength-maintenance and focus on aerobic work out more (so base period type). If yes, is 8 weeks enough to start Muscular endurance in week 9? I hope my questions make sense.


  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #44380

    Either would work, but I wouldn’t start ME until your aerobic work catches up with the plan.

    For strength, you could continue to progress it or do maintenance sessions until the aerobic side catches up.

    It sounds to me like the priority is fully recovering from your injury.

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