TSS for a Specific Workout | Uphill Athlete

TSS for a Specific Workout

  • Creator
  • #65536
    keith brown

    Today I completed a Z3 interval training block. The plan prescribes 2×14 (5min), plus warmup and cooldown; 58 min, with a TSS of 53. My actual time and TSS were 60 min and 100.
    Is there any significance to me exceeding the TSS by almost 100%? Something I need to change? Am I possibly working too hard in warmup or cooldown? Is it “good” or “bad” to overshoot this much?
    Thanks, Keith

  • Moderator
    MarkPostle on #65549

    Keith, The TSS system is built upon the premise that 60 min of maximum effort = 100TSS. Sounds like you did 28 min of high intensity work + 32 min of WU and Cooldown etc. I would expect a high TSS for this but probably something short of 100. My guess is that in the settings your “threshold heart rate” (top left box) is set to low. This should be your anaerobic threshold number which for most folks is probably 150 to 170, this is what training peaks uses to calculate heart rate based TSS and if the number is to low than it over estimates it.

    keith brown on #65573


    I’ve added a screenshot in my settings. The number I’ve entered for “Threshold” is my AeT.
    If I’m in the right area of TP, this should be my AnT (151)?
    If I do change the number, will it change my history (if not I’m assuming I’ll need to see how CTL changes over the next 6 weeks to establish a new baseline)?

    Thanks again, Keith

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    krish on #65576

    Ahh yes, the threshold value should be your ANaerobic value, which in this case is 151. There is an option within TP to go back and recalculate TSS values.

    MarkPostle on #65580

    Keith, Yes if you go under Dashboard>>>Performance Management Chart and click on the 3 line icon pulldown menu you will find a recalculate TSS button. This we recalculate all the workouts that use hrTSS but will not affect rTSS or tTSS sessions.

    keith brown on #65581

    Mark, That seemed to work. It adjusted the workout referenced above from 100 to 60.
    My ego is busted – CTL dropped about 30%!

    As always, Thanks.

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