Training while injured | Uphill Athlete

Training while injured

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  • #15957

    Hi everyone,

    I’m a novice at mountaineering. I come from a general fit background with hiking, weightlifting, and before now, not much cardio. I read TNFA in fall and on 12/30 at the end of week 6 of faithful adherence to the transition plan, I broke/sprained my foot.

    I’m in a boot now, with a followup on 2/14, but I’m wondering what type of training I should be continuing with? I know I still need to work out, but does anyone have any plans or tips I can use to maximize this and get back into cardio development asap once I’m out?

    As a motivator, I put down a non-refundable deposit on a Mt. Baker trip in August and I still intend on doing St. Helens and Adams this summer. Goals are for Rainier next year.

    Thanks for reading

  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #15990

    You can certainly continue to train but not doing weight bearing stuff on that leg. I know lots of folks, myself included, who did long hikes in crutches, even on rough trails so that can be one substitute for aerobic base work (not cardio). You can ride a stationary bike with one leg. You can do a rowing machine with one leg. You can use a Skierg while seated on stool. You can aqua jog (running in a pool without touch the bottom. You can swim. Any and all ot these things will help you stay active and not lose as much ground as if you do nothing. None will be as effective as hiking and running but far better than nothing.


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