Mountain guiding and training | Uphill Athlete

Mountain guiding and training

  • Creator
  • #22084

    Hi folks, I started recently to train according TFTNA guidelines (this book, and the second one, are so valuable source of information, thanks to the authors). I built my own training plan and follow my fatigue using TrainingPeaks and heart belt at every move I do.

    My problem is, I am also working as a mountain guide, meaning that, I spent way more time in the mountains moving at Z0 Z1 heart zones than my plan is suggested, and because it is often several days expeditions, I have no time to exercise strength for instance.

    My question is: what can I adapt my training plan to my job? I mean, shall I consider my time spent working in the mountains (generally very easy for my fitness) like proper training, use a ponderation system, or after a break in my plan, get back where I was, or a week before?

    Yeah, I am totally lost, helps will be greatly appreciated.

  • Participant
    depeyster on #22092

    Hey mouton.rom,
    I am no expert, merely someone who has also read the book. But I could imagine that in order to give you a coherent answer, an expert would want to know what are your training goals? Do you have a big climb that you would like to do in the next six or more months?

    mouton.rom on #22093

    Hey depeyster!

    No big climb really planned. I was just shocked by the fact that I spent 900 hrs per year exercising without having and by far Steve’s fitness, despite the same annual volume. My goals are to better in all mountain sports, and once I feel ready, do some objectives that I have.

    I am seeing more my actual training like a path to get more fitness useful in mountain sports and with a good base, increased my skills to do fun objectives.

    Anonymous on #22132

    We have worked with a lot of guides and they do have a tough job and often crazy schedules. Your high volume of low intensity hiking/climbing has no doubt done a great job of establishing your aerobic base. How you choose to proceed is, like depeyster says, dependent on your goals. If they are increased mountain fitness as opposed to hard rock climbing, then you need to add some aerobic intensity workouts. We do that with guides often. 1-2 Z3-4 uphill interval sessions a week will really improve your endurance in the mountains when you have that big base.


    mouton.rom on #23248

    Thanks Scott for your answer, and sorry for the delay, I got new born twins and they are sucking all my mind.

    You adviced for mountain fitness, but what about hard climbing. I can summarize my goals as to become asap a IFMGA guide, and I need to increase my level in climbing and skiing. My plan is to bake a training plan with the new alpinism cookbook, with a yearly training plan. Of course, I cannot follow it entirely, and I am thinking, when I need to spent time with customers, to get back to my plan after as I left it. And at the same time to check with TrainingPeak if I am not too tired. Am I right? Should I consider to redo the last week of my plan?

    Many thanks!

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