Lyme disease | Uphill Athlete

Lyme disease

  • Creator
  • #17856
    Steve G

    Perhaps my recent experience with Lyme may be of interest.
    I was diagnosed with Lyme disease last September. I live in NE Massachusetts – and my practitioners have plenty of experience with diagnosing the disease.
    I was fortunate that my symptoms (seriously swollen lower left leg) came on early – maybe 3 months after the tick bite (I picked up a tick on my neck after a bush-wack to fly fish for Blue Gills). And yes, I use DEET liberally.
    After a month of Dox (antibiotic) the swelling was gone and I was feeling pretty good. So, I restarted my training pretty much where I’d left off. That was a mistake.
    My right grion, hip and lower back started screaming after a few weeks. I didn’t have to convince myself to rest- I had to stop.
    Slowly (very slowly) over the winter I have rehabbed with waling, then run/walking, then walking again, and lately I’ve added Yoga strength training which is really helping. I can finally jog for 60 to 90 minutes again, and I should be hitting the hiking trails later this spring (but I am forever freaked out by the risk now).
    So, that’s my story.
    I searched high and low for “advice” on the disease for older, weekend warrior athletes like myself and found nothing. So, I am sharing my experience on this terrific site in case someone else has an unfortunate incidence
    Regards, Steve G

Posted In: Injury & Rehab

  • Participant
    Pete Dickinson MS,PT on #17870

    Thanks so much for sharing this. There are some conditions and injuries that we just can’t avoid. Finding your proper starting point for activity was key. It can be very difficult at times to be truthful with where to start, or how quick to progress.
    Happy to hear you are able to return to activity.

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