Long Days and Training zones. | Uphill Athlete


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Long Days and Training zones.

  • Creator
  • #23280

    I was curious for recommendations for really long days outside. If I wanted to get outside and hike for a long period around 8+ hours. Is there a way to structure the zones that is more “optimal”.

    If I have 2.5 hours of AeT training for that day is there a best way to order how I hike/run.

    I guess the options for pace would be something like:
    As well as the possibility of trying to find a pace that I can maintain for the whole of that day.

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    Anonymous on #23312

    Sorry, I don’t follow. If you’re active for eight hours straight, you’ll want to count the whole duration, not just the portion that is at a prescribed intensity. Does that answer your question?

    allan.xperia on #23315

    I think his question should be read as:
    If I was supposed to do a 2.5 hour AeT workout in a day, but I am “forced” to do an 8 hour session instead, how should I structure my intensities over the day to get the same training outcome?

    (Which by the way is a question I am really excited to hear the answer for. When I do full-day events, I often wonder if they are giving me any training benefit, or if they are actually reducing my aerobic fitness because I overreach too much.)

    Anonymous on #23318

    The longer the duration of the training the lower should be the intensity unless there is a desire for an over reaching type of effect. So if you want to be able to keep the consistency of training, day after day these 8 hour hikes will be best done in Z1 (10% below Z2) with some short periods up into Z2. These will have a very strong aerobic base training effect.


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