Lactate Test comparison - help! | Uphill Athlete

Lactate Test comparison – help!

  • Creator
  • #66890

    Hello folks,

    I did a follow up lactate test today about a year after my first one! (attached are 2021 und 2022)! Can the experts help me interpreting it a little bit more!

    What came immediately to my mind is, that my lactate numbers are lower at the start. Unfortunately the doctor didn’t took resting lactate number! In general I felt better today, I didn’t max out (could do one or two more). But what would help me is finding my aerobic threshold!

    Thanks in advance for your appreciated help!

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    Anonymous on #67089

    Nice work on building a much better aerobic engine. Just look at one number and you will see what I mean. In 2021 13km/hr gave a LA reading of 3.4 mMol/L and a HR of 157. This 2022 test shows that at 13km/hr your LA= 2.4 mMol/L at the same HR=158. This means that at this relatively fast pace you are using much more the aerobic metabolic pathway and not so much the glycolytic path. You should be extremely pleased and continue with the same training. There is more improvement to come.


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