high heart rate zones | Uphill Athlete

high heart rate zones

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  • #66596
    Angeliena Kam

    Hi! Is it possible to have HR zones that are too high? Is it cause for concern?

    I have consulted UA’s articles and podcasts about aerobic deficiency syndrome; not sure high RH means ADS. I can’t seem to find much online about high HR during activity.

    I redid the tests a few times and I get similar results. I use a chest strap.
    AnT 182
    AeT 163
    Resting 45

    If this info comes later in the program, that’s cool too, I can wait! 🙂

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    Anonymous on #66597

    Hi Angelina,
    Your heart zones are just that, yours. Every athlete is different and HR is also relative to age and drops as we get older. The critical this here is if you do have a high AeT which yours is, that you want to spend 50% of your aerobic training time in zone one and 50% in zone two. If you trained in zone two for all your aerobic work you are likely going to be overly fatigued as that HR is a measure of muscular work even if you are still aerobic. I hope this helps ( :

    Meighan Ferris-Miles on #66659

    My AeT and resting HR are the same as you (Angelina). This is really helpful Carolyn. Looking forward to spending more time in zone one 🙂


    Anonymous on #66660

    Excellent! Glad this was helpful for both of you ( :

    Angeliena Kam on #66663

    Wonderful, thank you for the info Carolyn. Fun with zone 1…! Also thanks Meigha for letting me know I’m not alone 🙂

    Pia Lichtblau on #66757

    I have similar high heart rates and in the same time it’s really hard to stay in zone 1 because that means running soooooo slow… Furthermore I notice, that my heart rate goes up immediately if
    – there is also the smallest elevation
    – with temperature, last days it got quite warm compared to the time before
    – when I run without eating before or long time after the last meal

    Also I thought I should be able to run on a faster pace while still staying in zone 1 – after a half year of aerobic training I’m not yet noticing that…

    I have really low ferritin, taking it in now since two months but still don’t see any changes.

    Is this all normal? Am I just not patient enough?

    Anonymous on #66803

    Hi Pia,
    I’ll try and break a few of these things down for you ( :
    Yes Zone one will be slow, and we do need to log that time, maybe hiking is a good option for these days since you are a trail runner. Or I call it hogging – a combo of hiking and jogging.

    Yes, your HR will elevate when temperatures rise. It is much more difficult for the body to cool itself adequately than warm up. And HR is HR so if it’s warm/hot honor the HR, slow down, find shade, train early if you can. And hydrate with electrolytes.

    Elevation gain and staying aerobic, this is difficult. Everyone’s HR will go up with an incline, the muscular load/work moving the body uphill is significantly more. What I have found with many women who have high AeT, and yet there seems to be a limit to output is that you need a increase in strength to increase your movement economy or efficiency. Chapters 6 – 8 in the new book discuss strength cycles specifically and you will be doing this in the program so it will help. Since I’m not familiar with your training history keep in mind that seeing a significant increase in performance can take multiple cycles of training and a few years to really make gains.

    The running without eating or a long time after a meal HR elevation would indicate that this may be a stressor for your body. HR is always a measure of work the body is doing. The adrenals may be going into fight or flight. There are many possibilities and not all athletes should do fasted training so maybe try fueling runs a bit or not letting as much time pass between eating and running.

    Ah yes, as far as running faster in zone one, you likely have begun to build a nice aerobic base however the physiologic shifts required to increase pace in zone one take a while. Refer back to gaining strength, you’d also need some speed work (all movement economy) and likely a full season or two to see significant increase in pace in the lower zone.

    I am assuming then that you were diagnosed with some level of anemia? and are now taking ferritin to help correct that situation? If this is the case that is going to effect HR and many other aspects of energy and training. I would expect some change in energy immediately but performance changes will take much longer as your body needs time to create more new healthy red blood cells which are your oxygen transport system.

    I hope this helps and if you are feeling like you really need to dial in nutrition to help with blood sugar levels, iron intake, and performance. I’d set up a private consultation with Rebecca. She will really be able to help.

    Pia Lichtblau on #66897

    Dear Carolyn,

    thanks a lot – these answer helped a lot and had some aha-effects for me… Its written anywhere, that it needs quite a time to build up an aerobic base – but what exactly is meant by this isnt mentioned as clearly as you did it here! So I know now, I have to be patient but everything is perfectely OK the way it is and the way it developes 🙂

    Regarding strength training: This is definitely something I had too less focus on in the past. And this leads me to another question (or conclusion): In some weeks I’m not able to do all the workouts in the plan because I have to travel for the job or so. I was wandering if skipping an aerobic workout or a strength workout would be the wiser decision. With your information now Id go for the strength and skip an aerobic workout if I have to choose – good decision?

    And I’m thinking about a private consultation with Rebecca – but for the moment also for this question you answer helped me understanding my body better!
    Thanks so much for your patience!

    See you tomorrow on zoom!

    Anonymous on #66902

    Hi Pia,

    Yes for now I’d get the strength in regularly and skip a shorter run as needed. ( :
    See you tomorrow!

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