Heart Rate Drift - bad testing? | Uphill Athlete

Heart Rate Drift – bad testing?

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  • #17509

    I decided to use the training peaks Pa:Hr function to find my aerobic threshold outside. I figured the best way to include that in my transition period was to do this during my long run on the weekend. So I recorded all my run for an hour including warm up and in training peaks I’ve selected everything after my hr levels out and I had a comfortable HR at what I think is aerobic threshold pace at 5:20 seconds where my heart rate was at 135. The Pa:Hr is at 4.90% for those 55 minutes.

    Now for that time the elevation gain and loss were both 118 ft in slightly rolling hills.
    However my hr was at a minimum of 99 an average of 134 and a max of 144.

    Given this deviation between max, min and average where average is 1 bpm less than my starting hr, would this test indicate that my AeT is 135 or should I just throw out this result and try again to keeping my HR at 135? And is 5 minutes a good enough warm up? At what point is too much of a change between minimum and maximum HR bad?

    Of course I understand that there is probably no hard rule to this and my AeT also will change per day slightly based on factors.
    Overall at what point would you consider a test (Heart Rate Drift) result valid and at what point would you try again?

    And finally if my slightly modified test of recording during my weekly long run works, and I have ADS, can I just run my long run at what I perceive is AeT to see if my results match up each week, or is running at AeT a dangerous game?

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    Anonymous on #17528


    I think this test looks valid. It would be better if it were truly flat but I think you’d be safe using 135 derived from the Pa:Hr ratio in TP.

    If you run this and other courses regularly then you can monitor your times on them running while trying to maintain a 135 upper limit on HR. You should see weekly improvements in speed. After a few weeks redo this same test using 135 and you should see a lower Pa:Hr. If you do then redo the test at 140.

    As you point out this will vary from day to day depending on recovery state. If you have ADS then there is no danger in running right at AeT virtually every day. You should recover in 24 from these aerobic efforts. As your AeT Hr goes up and you become less ADS then you will need to do some easy recovery runs and not all runs right at AeT. Once AeT and AnT are within 10% of each other then you can almost completely drop these AeT runs and run either in Z1 (80-90%) or Z3 and Z4 (10-20%).


    Anonymous on #17563

    As Scott said, running right at AeT with ADS shouldn’t be a problem. However, you never want to exceed AeT unintentionally. For that reason, I never use my tested AeT as a ceiling. I always use a few beats lower as my reference.

    So you may want to set a heart rate alarm on your watch for 130. There is little disadvantage in running right below AeT, but there are definite disadvantages to exceeding it (again, unintentionally), especially with ADS.

    Anonymous on #17567

    Also! I would warm up for at least 20 minutes, gradually working up to AeT.

    evan on #18065

    Awesome. Thanks Scott and Scott.

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