Fine tuning Mike Foote's 20 week training plan | Uphill Athlete

Fine tuning Mike Foote's 20 week training plan

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  • #20361

    This plan uses the below as a guide for establishing distance and vert:

    “For events around 50km in length with less than 3000m in elevation, this week should contain about X% of the event’s total elevation and distance.”

    My event is 50K with 9000 ft of vertical gain and an equal amount of loss. How would you advise adjusting the program to match? Should I simply use 9000 as my base and adjust the vert according to the training day or would that be too much?

Posted In: Mountain Running

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    Anonymous on #20399


    Unless I am missing something here, I think:

    Since your goal is 50km with less than 3000m (9843ft) elevation change (this means gain and loss) you should use the plan’s recommendation.

    It will work out fine.


    scottthorpe on #20426

    Looks like I’m the one missing something. Even though it clearly says 3000m I somehow interpreted it as 3000 ft. Sorry for the confusion.

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