Confusion - Zone 1 + 2: TftNA vs TrainingPeaks | Uphill Athlete

Confusion – Zone 1 + 2: TftNA vs TrainingPeaks

  • Creator
  • #9452

    Hey everyone,
    Onto my 2nd season of using TftNA and have really enjoyed and benefited from season 1 (90 day NOLS expedition, fit and injury free, yay!). Much thanks to Scott and Steve for a great program 🙂

    Newbie question:
    TftNA says Zone 2 is “No Man’s land” but Training Peaks says it’s the most important zone. I’m just entering the rabbit hole of TP and am having a hard time reconciling the different zones, names, etc, between TftNA and TP.

    What should I go by for this season’s training? Should I do the Max HR test then apply TftNA zone % calculation? Use one of TP’s “auto calculation” methods (Joe Friel, Peter Keen, etc, etc)?

    Thank you!

  • Participant
    bwherring on #70759

    Training peaks uses 5 zones. So zone 2 is sub aerobic threshold.

    TftNA uses 3 zones where zone 2 is tempo above aerobic threshold.

    So TftNA zone 2 = Training peaks zone 3.


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