Beginner Tips | Uphill Athlete

Beginner Tips

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  • #40651


    Im transitioning to mountain running. Im a bigger guy, having spent the last ~5 years doing cross-fit-like workouts without much cardio and very very little running. I now live in Utah at the base of the mountains and would like to improve my mountain/trail running. I purchased the Intro to Ultra Plan, but after looking at it dont think Im ready for it just yet.

    So my plan was to start with 3 days per week doing 45-60 min treadmill or flat running at sub AeT HR (using 180-age to start with), 1 longer trail run/hike, and 2 strength sessions per week, but with running incorporated (more than rower or airbike).

    Im planning on losing some weight, from ~215 to about 200. I dont have plans to be competitive at all, I just want to enjoy the mountains and being able to travel decent distances in them.

    After my fitness improves a fair amount I would either do the intro to Ultra plan or possibly a custom plan.

    Any thoughts or suggestions?


  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #40854

    This sounds like a good approach. The only thing I would suggest is to do a drift test when possible rather than using the MAF formula. With a history of Crossfit, your aerobic threshold may be lower than what MAF suggests.

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