AeT threshold test questions | Uphill Athlete


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AeT threshold test questions

  • Creator
  • #67218
    Ben Cox


    My first half average heart rate was 125, my second half was 135, so 8%.
    Is it possible to infer my threshold from that approximately?

    Could you please tell me what TSS and rTSS and IF are

    Thank you.

  • Participant
    Mariner_9 on #67229

    Hi Ben,

    On your question about inferring threshold, I think the advice would be to re-do the test as per this article: “Reading and Implementing Your Results…>5 percent: Your initial heart rate/pace was above AeT. Redo the test using a lower starting heart rate. It may take several attempts to nail a decoupling that is slightly less than or equal to 5 percent”.

    I tried to post some links to TP articles answering your questions but seems the post did not upload so I’ll copy pasta from TP.

    TSS: “You earn 100 TSS for an all out, 100%, 60-minute workout. Of course most workouts are not completed at 100%, so most workouts will accumulate less than 100 TSS per hour. You can earn more than 100 TSS within a single workout (as long as it is longer than an hour), but never more than 100 TSS per hour”

    IF: “Intensity Factor is the ratio of an athlete’s Normalized Power/Pace to their Functional Threshold Power (FTP)/Pace. In effect, IF is the fraction of an athlete’s threshold they maintained for a workout or parts of a workout…For TrainingPeaks to calculate an IF for your workout…You need a power meter”

    lapotka on #67231

    I think of TSS as my work out points i earn, training peaks will collect them and give you a “fitness” score over time and assuming you consistently earn more TSS points your fitness improves, fitness is kind of your weighted average TSS over time. The “form” score shows how you should be feeing for todays workout comparing you overall fitness to your more recent workouts. I think keeping your form in the -10 to 0 range is a good indicator you are putting in the work but not going too hard, a positive form score means its time to get after it and you are becoming well rested. a -20 would tell you to take another rest day. This is all assuming you have a documented history in training peaks, if you are brand new to it your data may be a bit off to start with until theirs enough data for the algorithm to use.

    rTSS is a specialized “running training stress score” and assumes you are a fit runner training for running marathons or 10ks or whatever, it incorporates data such as your pace. Theres something similar for cycling or rowing that assumes wattage power. I think if all you do is run the rTSS would be good and if you are doing the Lance Armstrong thing you want to just focus on your watt output on a bike. For mountaineering and TFTNA I think we should focus on the hrTSS or “heart rate training stress score” which will standardize the physiological stress and time spent in different heart rates regardless of modality (walk, hike, treadmill, running, jogging, whatever). I have to manually swap rTSS to hrTSS on each of my workouts right now, someone tried to help me change the default and it still wont work.

    Victor Grijalva on #67240


    You asked about TSS, here is a definition I saw that you may find helpful:

    Training Stress Score (TSS) is a composite number that takes into account the duration and intensity of a workout to arrive at a single estimate of the overall training load and physiological stress created by that training session

    Regarding estimating your threshold from the data, I would guestimate you are in the low 120’s but would do the test again. You can compare that to 180-your age which is a generic reference point for your threshold.

    Also, I have found that your threshold test can vary based on how you are feeling, how your muscles might feel from previous workout, how hot it is outside and other factors. Try doing the test on day you are feeling well rested with little fatigue. My 2 cents!


    MarkPostle on #67261

    Were going to dig into analyzing AeT and touch on Metrics in this weeks zoom!

    Ben Cox on #67275

    Thanks for your responses guys, much appreciated

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