Aerobic/Anaerobic testing | Uphill Athlete

Aerobic/Anaerobic testing

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  • #22869

    If I was going to test these two, how much time should I give between them? Can I do one as a warmup for the other or should I wait a day or two (or more) in between?

    Also, if I’m doing them during a training cycle, should I count them towards training volume or should I do my normal training and just not count the tests.


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    Anonymous on #22893


    The AeT can be done close to the AnT test. Doing it as a warm up might be a bit much because we’d like to see the AeT test last an hour and if you’re very fit the AnT test could be another hour. It would be more reasonable to do them on back to back days with the AeT test on day one.

    You should definitely count these in your training volume.


    LindsayTroy on #22905

    Thanks! I ended up doing AeT then eating dinner, waiting 2 hours then doing AnT and now I have a followup question.

    My aerobic threshold is 166 BPM and my anaerobic threshold is 194 BPM (my max HR is 207). So if I understand this correctly, I need to up my zone 2 training, what % of time should I move from Z1 to Z2? Should I do my long Z1 and the rest of the Z1 volume as Z2 or something else?

    In case it changes your recommendation, I’ve done 2 training cycles of TFNA and am generally healthy but last year I got two stress fractures right at the peak of my last training cycle (it took ~6 months to get properly diagnosed, which meant ~10 months of reduced activity so training suffered). Currently, I don’t have a goal climb, after the injury (plus a cross country move) I’m pretty out of shape (compared to me this time last year) so my goal is to feel more like myself fitness wise and be able to do bigger and bigger alpine-esque weekend trips (wind river/tetons/wasatch/sierra).


    LindsayTroy on #22919

    Ok so I have a follow up to my follow up question. I plugged my AeT and AnT into my garmin HR zones and I get the following, does this make sense?

    Zone 1: 113-155 BPM, 55%-75%
    Zone 2: 156-168 BPM, 75%-81%
    Zone 3: 169-194 BPM, 81%-93%
    Zone 4: 195-196 BPM, 93%-95%
    Zone 5: 197-207 BPM, 95%-100%

    Is it normal to have such a big Zone 3?

    When I was doing the AnT I did feel like I had another gear to shift into, but I could maybe have done it for 5 minutes not for the full 30 minutes.

    lionfish90 on #23026

    I’m an oldish, constantly re-booting noob, but it seems like your Z2 top should be AeT, so 166, not 168. The other instruction I’ve read here is to see how close your AeT is to your AnT (by %), and training at <Z1 (instead of <Z2) once that difference reaches 10% or less.

    There are a couple of ways to calc this, but they’ll all be close enough, as I understand it. So 194/166 = 1.17, meaning that your AeT is about 17% lower. (Or off of max HR: 194/207 = 94%, 166/207 = 80%, 94-80 = 14% difference. Or 166/194 = 86%, 1-.86 = 14%.)

    So my understanding is that you can move most or all of your Z1 training to Z2 until this difference gets to ~10%, paying close attention to whether you can recover from it by the next day. (If not, it was too hard and may not have been <AeT, at least for that day. The guideline is that at ~10% is when Z2 starts to become too hard for that recovery, so the “<AeT” workouts should go to Z1, not Z2, but go by your own feelings the next day.)

    Sorry for this simple explanation if you know all this already! The other stuff, I don’t know what to say.

    This might be of interest:

    Interpreting lab data – CHO vs Fat

    along with this:

    Interpreting lab data – CHO vs Fat

    (which has a nice jpg with a bunch of different HR Zone methods summarized to help see what “Z3” is based on %s, which is here: ).

    There are other explanatory posts if you search for HR zones in the forum, including one by Scott Semple that was very helpful with, I think, a followup by Scott Johnston (that I couldn’t find on first pass).

    —Also! Given your experience, do you know what might be the easiest or most efficient way to do a “weekend Wind River trip” if I had to fly in from out of state (to enter, say, at Big Sandy)? (Or maybe you mean you are driving in when you do your Teton/Wind River trips you mentioned?) Thanks for any tips, and best wishes for a good summer season!


    LindsayTroy on #23367

    Hey! Thanks for clarifying all of that!! Its really helpful!

    As for the winds, I’m not sure, I live in Salt Lake so just driving from here. I would guess if you’re going for cost effective, flying to salt lake isn’t too far but I would imagine there are small, regional airports in Wyoming that might be closer? Sorry I’m not more helpful, let me know if I can be of more help!

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