Fatigue, ADS as indicator of recovery | Uphill Athlete


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Fatigue, ADS as indicator of recovery

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  • #9095

    I read the February 12,2018 post by “Jason” about Aerobic Deficiency and I thought I’d share some personal observations. To summarize Jason’s post, his HR quickly exceeded his aerobic threshold when running, and he was forced to do walk/jogging intervals for his aerobic training. The coaches at UA describe this sensitivity to aerobic stimulus as “aerobic deficiency syndrome” (ADS).

    I find that I also experience the same ADS symptoms, but only when I’m fatigued from longer aerobic work the day before. Fortunately, this hasn’t been a problem on my “primary” training days when I’m comparatively better rested. Some observations:

    • It takes surprisingly little aerobic work on Day 1 for me to experience the ADS symptoms on Day 2. For instance, last Saturday I ski-toured for 3.5 hours (by no means a “big” day), and on Sunday I ran and struggled to keep my HR in zone. Monday was a rest day, and on Tuesday I ran with a low, consistent HR (no ADS symptoms).

    • When I experience this symptoms, my HR gets really high (sometimes 160-180+ BPM), really quickly, without any increase in perceived exertion or change in ventilation. Basically, I feel like I’m doing a Zone 1-2 run despite my heart rate telling me otherwise. The first time I observed this happening, I wrote it off as being an error in my wrist-based HR monitor. However, I have observed the same thing on subsequent runs with a chest-strap HR monitor.

    • As the Base Period progresses, it takes a bigger effort on Day 1 to induce the ADS symptoms on Day 2. This is probably the single clearest metric of progress I’ve observed during the Base Period.

    • Anecdotally, the more the “primary” aerobic training day has a weight/muscle endurance component the more aerobically fatigued I am the next day. For instance, ski touring (with heavy boots and a pack) will leave me feeling much more aerobically fatigued than, say, hiking uphill or jogging, even if the average HR and duration are similar.

    I hope this contributes something useful to the collective knowledge. Best, Jake

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    Anonymous on #9105

    I wrote rely to someone on the forum in the past few weeks about this exact topic: Skimo days and lingering fatigue. Maybe someone can find and link to it.

    Your aerobic threshold just like the anaerobic or lactate threshold or maxVO2 will very quite a bit day to day depending on your recovery state. With this low intensity training you will see increased ventilation and perceived effort mostly.

    I suggest that your very high HRs could well be monitor errors. Especially wrist monitors are very inaccurate when you are running and read high. Chest straps can read high as well especially if they need to be washed. Sweat is salty and the salt seems to screw up readings.

    Glad you noticed these changes. HR is the best tool for monitoring intensity for our mountain sports but is far from perfect.


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