Looking for advice on bars for MaxS work as I am looking at expanding my home gym. Namely, any concerns/advantages/limitations to using a trap/hex bar for my go to exercises of box step up, squat and Romanian deadlift?
Context: I really enjoyed focusing on a block of gym based MaxS this yr. I used 4 exercises: box step ups, pushup, squat and Romanian deadlift. Having access to a full gym I played around with straight bar, safety bar, and trap/hex bar. I progressed from about .75 BW to 1xBW for 5 reps for all the exercises (save pushup, that started at 45lb plate x5, which quickly got too easy and played with alternating one hand on foam block for 3 reps each side, then to isometric holds for 5 sec at 3 rep total) before COVID interrupted by training block (switching now too mixed 1x gym ME and 1x ski bounding). I gravitated in the end to using a trap/hex bar for all these. I admit I never loaded heavy on the back squat with a straight bar, only using the safety bar or hex/trap bar. I felt a bit worried about safety with box step ups with 200lb on a straight bar, just not enough experience.
If I purchased my own bar and plates, I could only afford 1 bar. Having the trap bar on the floor makes it way easier to switch out weights between squat/BSU vs deadlift. Any reason why the trap bar would limit the effectiveness of the BSU or squat? I like the idea of the trap bar for heavy farmer carries too, and eliminating the need for a squat rack.