Footwear for strength training | Uphill Athlete

Footwear for strength training

  • Creator
  • #65821
    Angeliena Kam

    What kind of footwear do you recommend for this program’s strength training? Trainers? Flat-soled converse? Our trail running or mountaineering footwear?

    I must admit I work out in my at-home gym and I usually go barefoot unless I’m using heavy weights. Not sure if that’s okay, or actually good for strengthening the foot.

    Thanks so much!

  • Participant
    Pia Lichtblau on #65823

    I also do the workout barefoot 🙂

    Anonymous on #65829

    Hi Angeliena,
    I do most of my training barefoot as well, however for some movements especially jumping as I have gotten older my knees and toes aren’t big fans any more. So if I need footwear I always us a zero drop or flat shoe. Runners often have thicker heals for cushion put that throws people forward to their toes for strength exercises. So ideally runners for running and barefoot or flatfooted shoes for training. Many people require arch support so a shoe is key. If you don;t want to have a million pairs of shoes many running shoes these days are zero drop so they can fit both purposes.
    I hope this helps!

    Coach on #65830

    I love doing strength training barefoot as much as I can. Carolyn should weigh in on this since this is her expertise. When I go to the gym (not at home) I usually wear an old pair of running shoes. I find that doing things barefoot helps with my balance and overall foot health!

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