Hi Thomas, thanks for replying!
The break has been around three weeks, maybe a month if you also count the last recovery week. Of the 17 hours, 16 have been running and 1 of core/strength work. The reason I’m training this much is because I wanted to build a big aerobic base so I could climb 4000 meter peaks in one day instead of two and feel like I belong there, not fight for every breath.
From April 4 to May 4, my AeT went from 161(Pa:hr @ 4.02%, average speed 8kph) to 165 (Pa:hr @ 3.5%, average speed 8.77kph).
I’ve started training in December, did a 2 month transition period where I started at 6 hours/week and by the end of the two months I had reached around 10. After that I’ve kept increasing the volume week after week and taking a recovery week every month. Once I reached about 12 hours/week the improvements in fitness really started to be noticeable.
The pain first started when my Sunday long run got to around 5 hours, but by Tuesday I felt recovered and ready to train again. As I kept increasing the volume I noticed this pain get more frequent and creeping into my shorter runs as well. That’s when I decided to take a break from training.
As for the other symptoms, not really. The more I trained the more motivated I felt, never started a run feeling sluggish, my performance kept improving and my libido was also unaffected. My sleep schedule has always been a bit chaotic so I’m not sure about that.