I established my aerobic and anaerobic thresholds. Turns out I am another one suffering from ADS. Therefore, I want to focus on training my aerobic base.
However, I run into some questions/problems doing this:
1) It seems that my HR during a workout is shown with some delay on my watch. When I exceed my aerobic threshold and slow down my heart rate still keeps climbing for a minute or two before it starts dropping. Similarly once it has dropped I start accelerating again it keeps dropping before it goes up again. This makes it quite hard from me to consistently stay below my target heart rate, or train at a somewhat constant HR. It is often highly fluctuating.
All my runs are on hilly terrain.
2) I am using a Suunto Ambit3 with a chest strap to record my HR. While a lot of times the readings seem to be correct, sometimes it drifts off to erratic numbers for longer periods of time. E.g. it keeps rising and rising and stays above 230bmp (I am over 40!) for several minutes while walking and feeling quite relaxed. After a while it suddenly drops back to normal values. So these HR readings obviously can’t be right. Because of these errors calculation of averages or comparing runs etc. become pretty useless.
3) In order to keep my HR below my AeT on uphills I often have to walk. This leads me to another question: as a recent dad I am going hiking with the baby in a baby carrier (currently ~15lbs) frequently. Since I can’t run uphill without exceeding my target HR anyway, could I use brisk uphill/downhill hiking for about an hour with a baby carrier as on part of my aerobic base exercises?