Outdoor winter strength training: considerations?

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  • #44334

    I am preparing for winter strength training and amidst ongoing COVID and wondering about any advice (additional considerations or corrections) on my considerations for strength training outdoors during the winter. My main worry is being pressed for time and not warming up sufficiently before jumping into the heavy weights, and not having enough time to complete longer workouts.Thoughts on minimum warmup routine (duration, intensity) and risks/symptoms to watch for?

    I presume the main consideration is to make sure to sufficiently warm up (break a sweat jogging , skipping, some light mobility/ROM movements etc) before doing taxing MxS or ME workouts? We play outdoors all winter long so why not do gym workouts outside (I like fresh air vs stuffy warm indoor spaces!)?

    -I recently lost access to a grassroots indoor workplace exercise space, and don’t intend to start using a commercial gym (cost, COVID and ambiance)
    -My plan is to use a small covered kids play area in my yard (wood floor and roof) as my gym. -Dumbbells up to 40lbs, various bands, backpack with 60lbs sand, various bench heights, pull up bar etc.
    -I’ll do jog home from work to warm up and then do GS, Max strength or ME workouts depending on block, then jog back to work.
    -Much of our winter is ~-5 to -10 Celsius which I don’t see as an issue, will adjust/cancel when down below ~-15…

  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #44799

    It seems like a good plan to me. The run should be a good start to a warm up. If you feel like you need more, I would do some lower-weight reps of the exercises included in the workout.

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